Personalised care, providing access to the latest surgical techniques

In response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic Dr Chen is able to offer patients a phone or video consultation for those who would prefer not to come in person. Please contact our rooms on 1300 377 285 to organise this.


Dr Paul Chen is an experienced Breast and Endocrine Specialist with expertise in breast cancer, oncoplastic and reconstructive breast procedures, thyroid and parathyroid surgery.

Dr Chen has dedicated years of training to oncoplastic and breast reconstruction to be able to provide his breast cancer patients with the latest surgical techniques. These surgical skills combined with access to world class cancer facilities and support services, Dr Chen aims to optimise not only his patients’ health outcomes but their aesthetic outcomes, which he knows can significantly impact a women’s overall wellbeing in the long-term. Dr Chen has a unique passion for breast health which resonates in his personalised approach to each patient under his care.

You are not alone in this journey, everyday it is estimated that 50 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
0 women

Breast Conditions and Treatments
Breast Oncoplastics
Breast Health

Endocrine Surgery
General Surgery

Your First Consultation
Patient Resources

Continuity of Care
Referrers Resources

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